Black Cat Commercial Roofing Pty Ltd is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all employees. It is the policy of this company to make every reasonable effort to prevent accidents, protect employees from injury and to promote the health, safety and welfare of all our employees.

The company will make available appropriate resources to ensure that it complies in all respects with relevant Occupational Health and Safety legislation and to ensure that the workplace is a safe and healthy workplace.

The Occupational Health and Safety Program:
Black Cat Commercial Roofing has set up a program of activities and procedures which will be continually reviewed and effectively carried out. This program relates to all aspects of Occupational Health and Safety including:

► OH&S training and education.
► Review of work design, workplace design and standard work methods.
► Changes to work method and practice, including those associated with technological change.
► Safety rules including penalties.
► Emergency procedures and drill.
► Provision of OH&S equipment, services and facilities.
► Workplace inspections and evaluations.
► Reporting and recording of incidents, accidents, injuries and illnesses.
► Provision of information to employees.

Responsibilities of Managers:
Management has the responsibility to:
► Identify hazards, assess risk and implement control strategies to minimize risk of injury to people and property.
► Ensure the relevant Acts and Regulations that apply to working conditions and the work environment are observed and enforced.
► Encourage consultation in addressing safety issues.
► Design, purchase, install and maintain a safe site and machinery.
► Develop and implement safe systems of work.
► Provide adequate safety information, training and supervision.
► Managers and supervisors will fully implement the company Safety Programs and are responsible for ensuring a safe work
environment is provided for all employees under their direct control. Managers and supervisors are also responsible for promptly acting on any OH&S concerns or issues they become aware of.

Responsibilities of Supervisors:
Supervisors have the responsibility to:
► Ensure that the workplace under their control is safe and without risks to health. The supervisor will always be held accountable for identifying any unsafe or unhealthy conditions or behavior.
► Ensure that the behavior of all persons in the workplace is safe and without risks to health.
► Attempt to remedy all problems relating to Occupational Health and Safety. If the supervisor does not have the authority to fix the problem, they will be held accountable for reporting the matter promptly, together with any recommendations for remedial actions, to the supervisor or manager who does have the necessary authority. The supervisor or manager who does have the necessary authority will be held accountable for taking prompt remedial action to eliminate any unsafe or unhealthy conditions or behaviour.

Responsibility of Employees:
All employees have the responsibility to:
► Adhere to safe work practices, instructions and rules.
► Immediately report any unsafe work conditions or equipment to management.
► Not misuse, damage, refuse to use or interfere with anything provided in the interest of Occupational Health and Safety.
► Perform all work duties in a manner which ensures individual health and safety and that of all other employees as well.
► Encourage fellow employees to create and maintain a safe and healthy work environment.
► Co-operate with all other employees to enable that the health and safety responsibilities of all employees be achieved.
► Employees are expected to fulfill their obligations with respect to OH&S legislation by fully participating in company safety programs, reporting injuries and incidents and following all safety directions, regulations and procedures.

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